
とりあえず動かしてみるというレベル。 下記のコードでcertとmacaroonを準備して

$ go run main.go --lnd.network=$LND_NETWORK --lnd.host=$LND_HOST --lnd.macaroondir=$MACAROON_PATH --lnd.tlspath=$TLS_CERT_PATH


package main

import (  

    flags "github.com/jessevdk/go-flags"


type lndConfig struct {  
    // Host is the RPC address of the lnd instance that is connecting
    // to.
    Host string `long:"host" description:"lnd instance rpc address"`

    // Network is the network that lnd is running on, i.e. mainnet.
    Network string `long:"network" description:"network to run on" choice:"regtest" choice:"testnet" choice:"mainnet" choice:"simnet"`

    // MacaroonDir is the path to lnd macaroons.
    MacaroonDir string `long:"macaroondir" description:"Path to lnd macaroons"`

    // TLSPath is the path to the lnd TLS certificate.
    TLSPath string `long:"tlspath" description:"Path to lnd tls certificate"`

type config struct {  
    // Lnd refers to the user's lnd configuration properties that we need to
    // connect to it.
    Lnd *lndConfig `group:"lnd" namespace:"lnd"`

var (  
    cfg = config{}

// Main is the true entrypoint to candy.
func main() {  
    // TODO: Prevent from running twice.
    err := start()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)

func start() error {  
    _, err := flags.Parse(&cfg)
    if err != nil {
        if e, ok := err.(*flags.Error); ok && e.Type == flags.ErrHelp {
        } else {
            return err

    // Initialize our lnd client.
    lnd, err := lndclient.NewBasicClient(
        cfg.Lnd.Host, cfg.Lnd.TLSPath, cfg.Lnd.MacaroonDir,
        cfg.Lnd.Network, lndclient.MacFilename("admin.macaroon"),
    if err != nil {
        return err

    resp, err := lnd.GetInfo(context.Background(), &lnrpc.GetInfoRequest{})
    if err != nil {


    return nil